Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Day 1 in Rome

This morning we went to Vatican City to see the Pope.  We took the subway.  There were so many people on the train, we had to go to 3 different doors to get in.  The crowds on the train were nothing compared to how many people were at the Vatican.  There was a big youth conference taking place in Rome that included youth groups (alter servers) from all the countries of Europe.  We talked to a priest from Germany who told us that there were 55,000 kids there; 40,000 from Germany.  It was a sea of people, from all different countries, waving flags and singing.  It was amazing.  After waiting for almost 2 hours, the Pope helicopter.  It was so see the Pope.  Although he was so far away, I was able to get a good picture of him.  
Then we took the subway to see a big church called Santa Maria Maggiore.  It was built to honor St. Mary and the Immaculate Conception.  It was the biggest church I have ever seen.  I took a ton of pictures.  While we were in the church, I lit a candle for my grandma.  I think she would really love this church.

I had my first Italian gelato today.  Chocolate!!  It was 'superb'.  We ate it in front of Trevi Fountain along with probably hundreds of others.  I was so tired, I had to go take a nap.  I think I am still on California time.


  1. That crowd sounds amazing Christian!

  2. Christian, what a cool experience. Thanks for keeping us updated.

  3. Sounds like a great start to a terrific trip. Looking forward to more updates...

  4. Buon Giorno! Spero che tutti sono bene. Mio figlio, Matteo Wong, dice "Buon Viaggio" alla voi e la tua madre. Ci vediamo quando si ritorna negli Stati Uniti. Ciao.

  5. Too cool Christian...look forward to hearing about your next adventure!

  6. Christian, You just took me back to my 2007 vacation in Rome. Oh how I love that city. I went to the Vatican but didn't get to see the pope. I arrived on a Wednesday and left the following Wednesday so it was not possible. The Vatican is amazing and I'm so glad you had that experience.
    Gelato is the BOMB, especially Chocolate! I crave it all the time!
    I love your blog. I'm a high school friend of your dad's. Keep writing and I'll keep reading. Ciao Bello, Cinda

  7. Christian, great description, I felt like I was right there with you! I can't wait to hear more and see all of the pictures.

    XOXOX Rach

  8. Hey where is day 2??? Are you on vacation or something???

  9. Hi Christian, this is your dad's cousin Denise. I just discovered this...can't wait to read more. You're an excellent writer, very engaging! Have fun!
