Thursday, August 12, 2010

Day 9 in Pisa

Pisa was one of the places I really wanted to see when we were planning our trip so I was super excited to go to Pisa today.  After a 1 hour train ride, we started walking to find the tower but got lost when we tried to take a bus.  We ended up on the other side of Pisa and had to walk even farther to get to where we were going.  When I first saw the tower, I said "it's small"!  It wasn't nearly as big I had expected.  I was cool, though.  We took a bunch of pictures including the one that everyone takes --->>>>>

I really wanted to go up to the top of the tower so my momma said "let's go!!".  We got tickets to see everything including going to the top of the "Leaning Tower of Pisa".  There were over 250 steps to the top.  The steps were really worn where people had stepped and the staircase was slanted/leaning also.  I lost my balance a little bit walking up the stairs.  We went to the very top...... my momma was scared to death and had to go down immediately.  I was only a little scared.

We also saw the cathedral, the baptistery, and the cemetery.  The baptistery was cool in that it is said to have 'perfect acoustics'.  One of the people working there came in and did a demonstration of how it echooooossss.


  1. Such a strong young man you are! Glad to see you are having such a grand time....!!!!!

  2. Hey Christian we all love the obligatory holding up the leaning tower pic! Did you find out if the Italians have revamped their geology classes? :)

  3. Great job on the blog Christian...I especially like all of your descriptions of the various things that you are seeing. Makes me realize how desperately I want to visit Italy....and no, not just for the Gelato!
