Thursday, August 12, 2010

Day 8 & 10 in Firenze

Florence!  It is a beautiful city!  We toured the cathedral and climbed to the top of the Duomo.  Duomo just means dome.  There are 463 steps to the top.  I stopped counting about 1/2 way up.  The staircase winds tightly upwards and gets very narrow as you get to the top.  I got a little claustrophobic.  It was hot and stinky.  Luckily we went early in the morning before it got too crowded and too hot.  The first landing allowed us to walk around the inside of the dome where we could look at the paintings on the ceiling.  It is a picture of the Last Judgement.
We climbed even higher and ended up at the very top on the roof.  It was a great view of the whole city.  My momma wasn't nearly as scared on the top of the Duomo as she was on the top of the Tower of Pisa.

We went to a museum today called Galleria dell'Accademia where the most famous Michelangelo sculptures is displayed.  It is called the "David".  Not much to see, in my opinion.  My momma took a picture it when she wasn't supposed.  She didn't know pictures weren't allowed until an old lady said 'no photo'.  So, my momma put her camera away.  But here is the picture ----->>>>>    That lady was kind of mean!  When we came out of the museum, it was pouring down rain.  We quickly went down the block to another museum called Museo di San Marco.  This used to be a monastery of Dominican monks a long time ago.  There are beautiful frescoes in all of the rooms including the cells of the monks.  My momma asked if we could take pictures this time and was told NO.  So we don't have any pictures from this museum.  It was cool though.  Each room was like it had its own chapel in it.    It was still pouring down rain and we had to walk a long way   Luckily we had 2 umbrellas.  We were supposed to go to the Uffizi, another famous museum in Florence, but I did not want to go.  I wanted to play on my iPod Touch.  I was so done with museums.  My momma will just have to see the Uffizi next time.  Oh well!!!

Oh, gelato........ cioccolato and lampone today.  Tasted  just like dark chocolate covered raspberries.  Yummmmm!  I might get to have more before the day is over.  I wonder what flavor next time????

1 comment:

  1. Had enough of the museums huh? Sounds like you have been a real trooper! Maybe when I have a chance to go to Italy Christian, you can be my tour guide! thanks for the great updates!
